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annual training

      in systemic bodywork      

Why an annual training?

Many of us have the feeling that our powerful manhood and womanhood cannot fully unfold.


..the unconventional New Zealand body and emotion training, which unites and combines basic Maori life principles with western systemic body work, can be the solution.

participant votes

" He always lured us out of our comfort zone - you can't hide with him, but I can only recommend the course to anyone who wants to continue to grow and really deal with themselves!"

"An intense experience. It helped me a lot to feel loving presence and facilitated the path of healing. My view of life becomes wider, freer and more true heart rate. Thank you for being able to be like this and to show myself, with my anger and sadness."

Goals and chances of further education


Systemic bodywork makes unconscious emotional, physical and mental processes visible and combines them with New Zealand embodiment, which is unique in this combination. The change that the participant experiences opens up a new experience of one's own identity and the inherent power.


Systemic bodywork is based on many years of my research into shadow work, embodiment, haka and emotional work.


Despite all the methodological wealth, systemic bodywork is not a fixed framework, but a co-created challenge that is essentially based on the focal points of the respective group and that systematically challenges and expands human, energetic and emotional potential.



Many of us have the feeling of not being able to fully develop our powerful manhood and womanhood.


this is where the annual training starts, in …


the maturation of one's own personality through intensive self-awareness. An opportunity to deal with questions of our own identity and the power within us.


A successful mixture of knowledge from experience, practical exercises and personal self-awareness to get you involved at the core  support three essential qualities

Image by Di Maitland


Your ability to express yourself in everyday situations in which you move To meet emotions and feelings without prejudice and to allow them to live

Image by Ash from Modern Afflatus


Your ability to unleash a new life-affirming, healthy, empowering force into the systems in which you move

Image by Daniel Mirlea


Your ability to awaken and release the latent potential in systems in which you move

Single: EUR 1790 plus accommodation and meals  

Couples / pp: EUR 1650 EUR plus accommodation + meals

 Further training modules: 

What's the good thing about it all

module 1 

In this module, you have the opportunity to explore what influences and experiences there are in your own history. It's about learning to feel your own limits in a safe and careful setting, learning to express and defend them, feeling safe within your own limits and learning to move freely within them.


Aim of the module:

get to know each other

module 2 

Dance free and just be

In this module you will learn how to get out of the pressure to perform and how to happily develop a vision for your life. You gain more skills and become more efficient. You recognize the elemental forces within you and learn how to use these forces for fulfilling relationships. The module is dedicated exclusively to practice and self-awareness in New Zealand body and emotion dance, the Haka


Aim of the module:

This weekend is intensively dedicated to the Haka and the experience of primal power

module 3 

No roots, no wings

In this module you will learn how to activate the primal force field of your ancestors and strengthen your personality, and how to bring this into your life through the ritual dance of the Maori. You will find inner peace and more clarity through your own path in life. You get to know your sources of strength and how you grow on stumbling blocks. You will learn a simple way to perceive your purpose and to lay a foundation for it


Aim of the module:

To strengthen your personality structure and to experience identity

module 4

Write your legacy

This module invites you on an exciting journey of discovery into yourself.

"You suspect that you have more potential than you live at the moment?"

"You want to give more space to joy and strength in your life?"


Aim of the module:

To recognize your unconscious potential and to carry it into the world.

Additional features

Experience challenge on your way to reflection.

7 days after each seminar you will receive tasks specially tailored to you that will take you out of your comfort zone.


meeting points

A meeting point enables you to have a direct face-to-face exchange in order to intensify and integrate your work, or simply exchange ideas in the group and receive support.


Monthly live sessions

Radical honesty in dialogue with Sascha and Georg.

An authentic dialogue in a protected setting is rarely lived in everyday life, rather it is manipulated. So we get little chance to truly meet. The live session with the trainers and the group, which takes place once a month, offers you a radically honest encounter with yourself.


I am happy to pass on my collected experiences of inspiration, indigenous wisdom and Far Eastern wisdom, body work and consciousness research to you.


target group

From my point of view, the Maori life principles offer many insightful fields of experience that can be combined and used with Western values.

Neither a certain worldview, nor previous training or professional orientation is necessary. The two essential qualities of love and power are in every human being  and can be put to good use under all circumstances (whether as a baker, policewoman, therapist or teacher).


Aus meiner Sicht bieten die Lebensprinzipien der Maori viele erkenntnisreiche Erfahrungsfelder, die sich mit westlichen Werten kombinieren und einsetzen lassen.

Es ist weder eine bestimmte Weltanschauung, noch Vorbildung oder berufliche Ausrichtung notwendig. Die zwei essentiellen Qualitäten Liebe und Kraft sind in jedem Menschen angelegt und können unter allen Umständen (ob als Bäcker, Polizistin, Therapeut oder Lehrerin) sinnvoll eingesetzt werden.


The annual intensive is a further training on »body perception, stress resilience and emotion regulation«. After completing this training, you will receive a certificate from us. The advanced training and the advanced training certificate are not officially recognized qualifications.

Single: EUR 1790 plus accommodation and meals  

Couples / pp: EUR 1650 EUR plus accommodation + meals

Jahrestraining Termine


Your investment in you:



Couples/ partners per person 1650 €



Overnight stay + meals


Accommodation + meals pp per module:

€70.00 for the entire weekend including accommodation + meals

(Vegan cuisine also possible on request)

Number of participants limited to max. 12 people


Gut Merteshof

Hospitalstr. 1

54310 Kersch

The following dates are already planned for the annual training 2022/23


28.10 - 30.10.2022

2023 annual training systemic bodywork; 

module 1

January 27-29. 2023

Annual training systemic body work; 

module 2

April 21-23.2023

Annual training systemic bodywork; 

module 3

July 21-23  2023

Annual training systemic bodywork; 

module 4

Single: EUR 1790 plus accommodation and meals  

Couples / pp: EUR 1650 EUR plus accommodation + meals

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