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"Erlebe emotionale Berührung, um deine stärkste Kraft ins Leben zu rufen!"



get closer to yourself


Unfortunately, this adventure can turn into quite a project - after all, we live in a cognitively traumatized and traumatizing culture... which has left its mark on us.


Almost all of us carry an " I'm not ...enough!" feeling, and almost all of us feel exceptional about it.


Systematic bodywork is the way back out of this collective confusion, in a very pragmatic way. Building on the principles of the Maori , the native people of New Zealand and systematic bodywork.  Radical, loving and authentic towards everything that our cognitive culture conveys in terms of concepts, norms and role models.


Systematic body work  is for you if... 

...You realize that toxic thoughts cost you more energy and time than you would like

... anger influences your fantasies towards self-destruction

...your physical blockages and beliefs develop a negative dynamic of their own that you want to stop

...You worry about what your powerlessness says about your identity

...You feel stuck in a loop of aimlessness

...You are curious about a fundamentally new perspective on inner strength want to feel connected to other people

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"Während der Weiterbildung bei Sascha durfte ich mich immer wieder neu erfahren in meiner weiblichen Präsenz, kraftvoll und liebevoll, ausgerichtet und gleichzeitig verwurzelt, in mir ruhend. Ich bin sehr dankbar um all diese wertvollen Erfahrungen, die meinen Alltag bereichern.

Ich kann wärmstens empfehlen sich auf dieses Abenteuer einzulassen."

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Vielen Dank für Dein Abonnement!

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Ways that correspond to your essence to experience yourself more freely, more authentically and more presently.

EmbodyMind  has 5 goals






To convey a fundamentally new understanding of body awareness .

Transforming toxic emotional worlds into pure life-affirming power .

To feel one 's own physicality and expressiveness and to integrate it into the body system.

Activate the inherent potential and to implement in everyday life.

To appear more self-confident, freer, more authentic , more present and closer to yourself.

And experience a three-perspective model of personality for an encounter of mental, emotional and physical processes in you to leave you more awake, clear and centered.

Art Portrait closeup Beauty fantasy african woman face in gold paint. Golden metallic shin

that serve to survive.


gold herz

The focus on the "body" and its central role in the interaction of the three control systems.


gold Portrait mann


and their own meaning through construction of cause and effect, with orientation in time and space.


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Presence seminars

Are intensive body and emotional journeys for women, men and couples, which bring about a fundamental change in one's own life energy.


Annual training systematic body work

An unconventional New Zealand body and emotion training.

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Coaching for you as a man

A powerful, unusual and lively journey to yourself, which enables a fundamental change in elemental power and life energy.


Coaching for you as a woman

Just right if you  want to free yourself from energy-sapping dependencies and emotional physical tormentors.

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"I believe that every human being is perfect and whole!"

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